Game Publishing Consultation
We know that there are many developers out there who have had great ideas and they have also created exceptional games. However, getting connected with someone who is willing to give you an opportunity to thrive in the world of publishing mobile games can sometimes be a challenge. That is where Royalty GameZ come in...
So What's the Process?
Not only will we help link you with well-known game publishers, but we'll get your game submitted for publisher evaluations and help you secure promising contracts. Through our own in-house gaming, marketing and public relations experts, we will take our time providing a critical analysis of your game once it is submitted to the Royalty GameZ Team. We will take your project through a rigorous process of 6 strategic steps which helps to make sure that your game is perfected before submitting to publishers. By using notable software such as Unity, Unreal, 3D, 2D, integrations of SDK's and so much more.
Check out our packages below and let us know what package you are in need of by clicking on the Request Consultation button.